Non-Affiliated Visitors
Guidelines & Application
Non-Affiliated Visitors may include high school students, visiting undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, and other observers (who observe but do not practice, research or clinical techniques or processes) or trainees (who receive training in research or clinical techniques or processes, including practice with appropriate supervision). These observers may not remain at the University for longer than three months:
If you are interested in a 3 month observation in the Department of Neurology, you must adhere to the following:
- You must be sponsored by a faculty member in the Department of Neurology.
- You will be required to complete the Registration Form for Short-Term Visitors. This form must clearly state the purpose for which you will be visiting the University, the activities you will be engaged in while at the University and anticipated length of visit.
- The registration form for short-term visitors must be signed by the sponsoring faculty member and the observer/visitor.
- We will need a CV (resume) with your completed application via email at sends e-mail).
- Your acceptance to the program will be contingent upon a successful drug screening, medical surveillance and background check (if applicable).
- Non-Columbia University student are required to pay a processing fee of $250 (not applicable to high school students).
- MD’s and/or PhD’s are required to pay a processing fee of $1,000.
- The processing fee may be paid by cash, credit card or check on the date of your arrival (checks are to be made out to Columbia University Irving Medical Center – Neurology).