Join the NIA-LOAD Study
Hopefully, somewhere along the way the cycle will be broken.
– NIA-LOAD Research Participant
We need your help!
The NIA-LOAD FBS is actively recruiting Mexican American and Central and South American individuals with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease who are willing to participate as research subjects.
We are also still recruiting African American participants, and children of current participants who are age 50 or older.
In addition, we are continually recruiting families with three or more affected individuals. If you know of others who may meet our study criteria, please have them contact us! Study participation can be completed over the phone or in person. The evaluation will take about 1 to 1.5 hours per person and includes:
- Blood Sample (2 tbsps.): This sample is used to create cell lines that will be banked at our blood bank here at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. (Blood kits will be made available to over the phone participants.)
- Brief Neuropsychological Assessment: This is a verbal and visual memory test that will take approximately 45 minutes to one hour.
- Medical History: A research physician will collect basic medical information on you and your family. We may also request that you and your family members authorize the release of medical records to our research team, from any physician(s) seen for memory problems.