New Expert Guidance on Antiseizure Medication Use During Pregnancy

May 23, 2024
Alison M. Pack, MD, MPH

Alison M. Pack, MD, MPH

Alison M. Pack, MD, MPH, professor of neurology and chief of the Epilepsy and Sleep Division at Columbia University Irving Medical Center was the lead author on the new guideline that presented updated, evidence-based conclusions and recommendations regarding the use of antiseizure medication during pregnancy. This expert guidance was first published on May 15, 2024, online in Neurology and then issued by the American Academy of Neurology, the American Epilepsy Society, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

"Most children born to people with epilepsy are healthy, but there is a small risk of pregnancy-related problems, partly due to seizures and partly due to the effects of antiseizure medications,” explained Dr. Pack. "This guideline provides recommendations regarding the effects of antiseizure medications and folic acid supplementation on malformations at birth and the development of children during pregnancy, so that doctors and people with epilepsy can determine which treatments may be best for them." [read more]

Source: Medscape

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